what was that? is that all there is? who is this? this is it.

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Replying to just a delivery guy, who said...

The snooty rich kid near his mom’s suv made the “just a delivery guy” remark on Monday and I actually didn’t know the answer to his question so I didn’t even have to pretend. On Wednesday there was an suv rolling slowly back and forth on Okanogan between Benson and Bagley as if it was seeking a stronger wifi signal and I thought it was just another fucking uber or lyft or both. But it was still lurking there after my second delivery and then a kid got out with his mom and he asked me if I knew where the Fisheries Science Building was and I said “Yes I do. It’s at 1122 NE Boat Street” the mom didn’t speak English too well but she typed the address into her phone and took it from there with some gps and I’m guessing the kid was 45 minutes late to his first day of camp.

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