It’s not just the water. No need to talk about the weather. She’s the newest in new greener grass fence builder. A tenacious remote control hunter. A gap-tooth chonker. A single feather escapee floating free from the down comforter. An innate hard worker. No hourly wage clock milker. No sack of shit sandbagging gold bricker. Ninety-eighth percentile dimple knuckler. Unbelievably strong like her mother. Soon to be familiar with the chain ring bolt spanner. Respectfully respecting a historic perspective on the crank arm extractor. Born and raised on the square taper. Comfortable with the Schrader valve adapter. Still suspicious and not so fond of the carbon fiber. Ready and willing to stand up and get out of the saddle and pedal harder. A soon to be if ever so briefly a cargo bike passenger daughter. Along for the ride with her steel bike riding black coffee drinking father. Hold the non dairy creamer.
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