Keep reaching for it. Feeling for it like an asspocket U-lock on a bumpy ride. Is it there? It’s there. It’s been there the whole time. It will still be there next time you feel for it. It’s in the other pocket. It’s in the bottom of your bag, unused for years at a time, but it’s there if you need it, you just don’t want to use it, but you could if you wanted to. Has there ever been a situation that requires you to use it? You talk about it, why don’t you use it? Just give me a sign. A post to lock up to. It’s not there. It was never there to begin with. You lost it in high school. You never had an asspocket U-lock. Why do you keep feeling for one? Why do you feel bad about losing it, about not using it? It’s always the last place you look.
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