Bring me your poor, your tired, your 180mm rotor. Show me your contact patch, teach me about rolling resistance and tell me more about your 406 bsd 3.0” tire that at 40 psi can more than adequately load the load. When you have 36 spokes holding up a 20” wheel you can afford to bend a few. Which makes me wonder of the story behind this wheel that I found at Bikeworks. Was it tossed off the electric scooter moped bike like thing of a poor little rich boy who tweaked a couple spokes and then decided to buy a new one? Whatever the story it has a happy ending, ending up on the front end of my very own CETMA cargo bike that I‘m slowly piecing together as we speak. How often does one stumble upon a 20” disc brake ready front wheel with a pristine Kenda Kraze tire for the amazing low low price of less than a large pizza?
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