Stopped on a hill pointing up waiting for a long red light shortly after 98102 becomes 98122. The light turns green and I stomp on the non-drive side pedal and the bike rolls forward but the gear is so low and the fresh keg is so heavy the bike only rolls a tiny bit and then it wants to fall over so I have to dab and try it again. Same thing. One more try. Same thing. I contemplate a U turn but traffic is streaming up on my left and it‘s not an option so I give it one more try with my tongue out making some guttural noises and finally I get enough momentum to roll crookedly forward, on and up through the intersection just before the light turns red again.
Feeling like a rookie is good once in a while.
The bike kicks ass but it brings a new perspective to riding in traffic. There will be no white-lining. There will be no curb hopping. There will be no skitching. The handlebars don't feel so wide when there's a 28" x 38" plywood box full of precious cargo floating in front of you. It's all about routing. This bike requires the pilot to be more vehicular and a bit more conservative and I’m not talking about the sweater.
but if I had skills like Marla Streb I'd ride like this (seen on CETMA cargo)
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