The devil is in the details but take a bigger big big picture now and then here and now there’s no need to regurgitate and repackage something old and call it new --I’m in the midst of negotiations with my Taiwanese agents on the final details of a 650b jogging stroller. We’re haggling on the front fork disc mounts and the rotor size in the OE package. This revolutionary stroller should be available at REI stores nationwide in September. It offers greater versatility rolling over obstacles effortlessly without the toe overlap often found in 29ers for shorter riders-- or not. Chew it up spit it out feed it to your offspring regurgitate it repeatedly repeated and then repeat as needed. Pump it up. High volume low pressure. High pressure low volume. If we’re talking PSI and tire size. Which leads to the high volume and low margins of mail-order discount super stores. Which eventually leads to your local bike shop because sometimes you get what you pay for.
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